Linggo, Setyembre 25, 2011


Our forefathers were inspired to insure through the Constitution certain inalienable rights to each citizen.
These rights include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
American business owners find it difficult to pursue happiness when they aren’t able to access money from lending institutions, venture capital groups, or private equity offerings to help them expand their business while overcoming financial challenges that have appeared during the economic downturn.

These frustrations are accentuated when business owners realize that all they need to succeed is a little extra capital. Private business owners need the same opportunity that public companies enjoy. The most important advantages publicly traded businesses benefit from are the right to the equity they’ve built in their company and the utilization of corporate stock to build the business and acquire other businesses.

In order to pursue happiness and benefit from the rights granted under the constitution, there must be the
opportunity to succeed at the highest level for all business owners, whether their company is big or small, private or public. Unfortunately, the highest level of freedom and success for small business owners has seemed unobtainable because of the assumed requirements to access this equity. The gate to liquidity often seems impenetrable.

The mysteriously high level of success of big businesses is often achieved simply by taking their company public. However, there are several often overwhelming conditions and prerequisites to join the traditional markets including:
1. The initial costs -often exceeding $1,000,000.
2. Extensive Federal filings and Sarbanes-Oxley accounting guidelines.
3. Potential of losing control of the business.
4. In-house expertise to explain rules and trading activities which are confusing and perplexing to even the greatest of financial minds. This expansive and ever-changing knowledge is necessary for entrance into the stock market as well as for continued navigation and management.
ISM provides the benefits of a public market for privately held businesses without all the costs, expenses, or risks associated with the traditional stock markets. It gives them the freedom to advertise their need for capital. It also provides a simple buy/sell marketplace (no puts, calls, or short sales) where both accredited and non-accredited investors can participate in the opportunities for investing that the Independent Stock Market offers.


What do we mean when we say, "Stop Trading.  Start Investing.™"? 
ISM's philosophy is centered on introducing qualified businesses for investors purchase a share of ownership.  It seems many have lost that vision and are buying and selling stocks in hopes to make a spread from the purchase and the sale and are not actually investing in the company because they love the company. With ISM you should not expect to try to outsmart another "trader" by a put or a call or short sale - since there are no options on our marketplace. 
ISM is a simple buy/sell model.  You need to own the stock before you can sell it.  ISM members look to earn money on their stock purchase as the business grows and profits. Warren Buffet does not play the options.  He invests in companies because he likes the products or services, and the management as well as the business model and potential.  This model certainly has worked for him. It is time for every American who has money to invest, to start investing in Main Street businesses and stop trading Wall Street stocks.  The ISM posted companies are a great place to start. Find out more information at

Miyerkules, Setyembre 21, 2011


Sometimes business owners need money and they think private placement memorandums are the best choice. Private Placement Offerings (PPOs) have their time and place, but some business owners are unsure of when and where that is.
If your business is just getting started, a PPO might be a legitimate option. Although preparing PPOs by oneself is time-consuming and stress producing, preparing PPOs can help your business if you have family and friends that know that you need money and have the ability and desire to help you. PPOs probably can't help you if your family members or friends do not have the desire or the means to help you.
This is because PPOs require that the people involved know you. They must be associated with you or your company personally. They are called Private Placements because you must keep the information about the need for capital within your primary market and cannot use the general public to fulfill your needs.
If you are able to use friends and family, be as conservative as possible in your projections. One of the negative aspects of PPOs is that if you don't do what you say you're going to do, you might get a talking to at the office - but the heated and downbeat conversation also might spill over into family reunions.
If your friend or family member wants to invest by using a PPO, try to make an arrangement to return his investment that you will be happy with too. If he is asking for a high percentage of the company, for example, might not matter to you when you sign the contract - because you are getting the money you need. However, it will matter to you if he decides to sell it, or get a new manager, or introduce a new product that you are against selling. 
For PPOs, most investors must be accredited. That means they need to have a net worth of more than a million dollars not including their homes. With today's economy the way it is, accredited investors can be difficult to find.
If you have been in business for more than two years, and your business is worth more than $2.5 million dollars, posting your business with the Independent Stock Market (ISM) is a much better option than a PPO. With the Independent Stock Market, you can use accredited and non-accredited investors. You can advertise that you are looking for capital to the general public. You can use your sweat equity and initial investment to get the capital you need, without paying interest or giving up control of your business.
If you have a smaller business though, or have not been around long enough to qualify to post with ISM, the ISM Business Development Group can help prepare your company for a PPO so that you do not have to try to perform the process for yourself. Contact an ISM representative today.

Lunes, Setyembre 5, 2011

How to Get More Fans on Facebook

If you are advertising on Facebook and are just not receiving the results you want, perhaps there is a step in the success process that you are missing. If you do want more fans on your facebook page, then this article is perfect for you! We will go by some of the most crucial steps necessary in creating at least and 85% conversion rate from stranger to fan! It’s easy, yet vital and here’s how to do it:

Step One: Set up your Facebook Ad at This is so easy to do! It takes you through a step-by-step process of how to create your ad and all you have to do is say what you want to say in order to attract your fans and customers.

But YOU want to attract the MOST fans! So how should you go about doing that?

Step Two: Focus on your ads and make yours the best!
1.       First make your ad simple and easy to read. Be straightforward and direct.
2.       State your advertising goal. Since with Facebook Ads you are paying for clicks, so it is important that you indicate what is the most vital to driving traffic to your site.
3.       Make your product STAND OUT! Have a catchy logo, saying, description, etc. Be funny, charismatic, enticing. Say what you think will bring people in! This is one of the most crucial steps to creating the most fans.
4.       Have a Tantalizing Photo! One that looks appealing and professional and will make people think “Wow! I want that!” A picture speaks a thousand words so pick a good one! J
5.       Alluring Landing Page. Once your customer or fan clicks on the item it should take them directly to your professional and relevant landing page.
Step Three: Follow your followers. Once your ad page is done you will be able to track how many more fans/followers/customers you get within hours. Keep record of how many you get in your first hour, third, fifth, etc. and how many fans you have increased over the day.
If you are not receiving at least 1,000 new followers on the first day, then something is wrong with the appearance of your add or the description. So fix it up until you find it is right.
Now, to increase the amount of fans and traffic coming to your ad and fan page even more, then I advise to check out Armand Morin’s website at
Armand is a facebook fan professional that has proven to be able to constantly create an 86% conversion rate for every page that is created using his special techniques to bring fans to his page. He tells you his secrets on how he transformed his fan page from having just 504 fans to a total of 4,631 fans in just 1 day! And he has proven that his system works time and time again. Armand’s website has been so helpful for my and I know it will help you increase your fans on facebook Faster than anywhere else. For more information on how to improve your social media marketing, visit Building Social