Biyernes, Disyembre 30, 2011

Penetration Testing - Stay Protected and Make More Money

Online security is everything and if you are a successful business person, you know just how crucial it is to stay protected online.

Your own personal website must stay secure at all times if you want to increase your profits and make more money online. People trust secure companies. If your company has trusted security scans, website verification, and PCI security logos, then people will trust that your company cares about their online security, and they will make more purchases with you. It might seem far-fetched that just by showing your customers that you care about their online security they will have more trust in your company and buy more products more often from you, but it’s true. One way to keep websites safe and to give peace of mind to online consumers is by “penetration testing” your website.

Penetration Testing is a method of evaluating the security of a computer system or network by simulating an attack from malicious outsiders (who do not have an authorized means of accessing the organization's systems) and spiteful insiders (who have some level of authorized access). “The process involves an active analysis of the system for any potential vulnerabilities that could result from poor or improper system configuration, both known and unknown hardware or software flaws, and operational weaknesses in process or technical countermeasures. This analysis is carried out from the position of a potential attacker and can involve active exploitation of security vulnerabilities.”

Security issues uncovered through the penetration test are presented to the system's owner. Effective penetration tests will couple this information with an accurate assessment of the potential impacts to the organization and outline a range of technical and procedural countermeasures to reduce risks. Penetration testing is what makes sure that you and your consumers and safe and protected online. As you try to avoid computer hackers who are looking to steal your personal information, it is important that you are staying protected by using security scans and trust seals like the secure ones that industry leaders Trust Guard and McAfee offer. 

As a consumer, we look online for purchases and companies that offer great things that we need and want. If we are educated and care about our online safety, we also look for is the foundational security of the websites we patronize. If we can see a secure trust seal at the top of the page on a website, we instantly know that our information is being protected. We feel safe and trust the company, I know that I do. 

When I see a company that uses trust seals, security scanning, and penetration testing, I feel out of harm's way and because I feel like the company is trustworthy and dependable, I usually buy from them. As business owners build trust, security, and rapport with their customers, they will know that by simply staying protected online, in part by performing penetration testing, they will be able to stay secure and make more money. Money isn’t everything, but knowing that your company can make more money by using security scans, is a great thing to think about.

Safe and Secure Holiday Shopping

The Holiday season is finally here! Soft falling snow makes the world more peaceful, beautiful and white. People are enthusiastically shopping for gifts for loved ones. Children are becoming more and more excited with each passing day as they think of Santa’s inevitable visit. 

Perhaps you are one of those who have procrastinated your holiday shopping.  We all procrastinate for different reasons. Sometimes we don’t feel like we have enough money to get what we really want. Sometimes we don’t feel like we have enough time do research and shop for the items we want to give. Sometimes we’re afraid to give the wrong gift – especially to our spouses and significant others.

This time of year, most retail outlets are insanely busy and most roads are jam packed. This is why I do most of my holiday shopping online. 

Shopping online is simple and easy. You can do it in your pajamas! But it’s not stress free. Although you don’t have to worry about someone stealing your presents as you’re walking out with them or while they are in your car as you are purchasing more, some online shopping outlets can be just as dangerous. While you are online shopping for the newest, coolest presents, hackers are online trying to access your personal information and steal your identity and your money. 

Computer hackers are everywhere and they are certainly good at what they do (which is being bad). But sadly, some online business owners are also in the business of purporting to offer an expensive, coveted gift, and then providing you with a cheap knock-off. 

Here are some steps to protect you from online scrooges:

Make sure the websites you visit display a Business Verification Seal. This will prove to you that the company is a legitimate business that you will be able to contact should you have any issues with your purchase.

Make sure the websites you visit have a Security Scanning Seal. This seal demonstrates that the site is free from vulnerabilities that hackers use to access websites and remove information that you as a consumer have provided such as your email, phone, and credit card information.

Check to ensure that the websites you visit have an active SSL certificate so that your credit card information is taken from the website and sent to the merchant bank in a safe, reliable manner. 

Another way to stay protected is to keep your computer and your software programs up-to-date. Use the newest and best network security systems, and stay protected. If you have a virus, fix your computer immediately to avoid future viruses and hackers. Also keep all pop ups blocked. Pop-ups are generally hackers trying to get onto your web screen, so don’t let them.

Whether you bravely visit retail outlets or do your last-minute shopping online, be safe out there! 

Lunes, Disyembre 19, 2011

Save Time, Make Money with Articles &!

 Do you have an online business that isn’t making as much money and you know it could? Would you like a guaranteed increase in your online targeted traffic without paying an arm and a leg? 

Articles and Submissions, LLC can provide you with more traffic to your website every month by writing and submitting relevant articles about your company and your products. It’s a time-consuming job that requires the skills of U.S. college students and graduates to write and edit the articles before they go online. then sends the articles to article directory and social media networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Squidoo, You Tube, HubPages, Posterous, Drop Jack, and many, many more! When people are searching for your keyword, they find it by typing the keyword into an online search engine like Google or Bing or Yahoo. Then the search engine searches for articles, pictures, and videos relevant to the keyword. If the article is fresh, it shows up as one of the first options. If it is clicked on a lot, it also shows up as one of the first options.

A&S can save you time and make you money by writing articles for you and then submitting them online so that tons more people show up to your website.

Testimonials from top tier corporations like Trust Guard and the Independent Stock Market brag how Articles and Submissions, LLC increased their targeted traffic by 30%! So sit back and have do all the writing and submitting work for you. They guarantee your targeted traffic will increase during the very first month you use their services. You’ll make more money, and have more time to improve your products and customer service, not to mention your golf swing!


Lunes, Disyembre 12, 2011

THE ADDED VALUE OF CTR TITANIUM RINGS introduced a 100% titanium ring for the LDS market with the CTR shield logo because all the other titanium CTR rings have plastic or rubber.

Deseret Book, a popular publisher and retailer of LDS products, noticed the popularity of titanium rings with a CTR logo on them and decided to go into the titanium ring business.  Unfortunately, they chose not to offer a one-hundred percent titanium ring because of price.   Of course if cost is your concern, you might as well buy a regular composite silver CTR ring.  

The Founder of Adam Brandley actually offered us the names of their competitors and recommended them. He said that the difference between his company and the competition is that he wanted to offer a CTR ring that could be handed down from generation to generation, a true keepsake!  

Sharon Hopkins and Tiffany Barringer, who built the website and manage it on a daily basis, explained that CTR stands for “Choose the Right.”  Mr. Brandley joked that some people in the Catholic religion like to use it to represent, “Catholic’s Totally Rule!”  

Titanium is one third the weight of Steel and four times as durable.  “You can take a hammer to it and it won’t bend,” said one customer.

If you go to jewelry stores to buy a plain titanium band you will pay anywhere from $150 to $700. Some jewelry stores mix titanium with other metals, which weakens the composition. delivers 100% titanium with the CTR logo for only $119.00 – much less expensive than jewelry store products.

Some LDS themed website owners asked Adam if they could offer the titanium ring with the CTR shield logo to their customers. Adam approved their request so that more people would have access to them.  The other businesses that offer this wonderful product include: and

If you have further questions, go to  If you read this all the way through – and copy this article to an email – so we can track this article’s effectiveness - has agreed to send you a second CTR titanium ring with your first CTR titanium ring purchase. Two for the price of one just in time for Christmas!  So copy this article into an email and send it to and receive two titanium CTR rings for only $119.00.

Keep the faith and Choose The Right!

Biyernes, Disyembre 2, 2011

How to Create an Effective Social Media Marketing Plan

I have made thousands of dollars with my own products as well as thousands as an affiliate of other people’s products. I know that the key to online success for this decade is to know how to effectively navigate the waters of social media marketing.

Early on in my online marketing career, I was blessed to become associated with two extremely successful online businessmen. One is the owner of Trust Guard. Trust Guard is the leader in website security and verification. Chances are you have seen their green shield on an ecommerce site. 

Their seals show visitors to thousands of sites that the business is legitimate, that their information will be kept private, and that the website is protected against hackers. The owner, David Brandley, also created The Ultimate Link Exchange. Dave taught me the value of writing articles and linking one website to another. I’ll come back to that in a moment. 

The other online genius I met early on was Garrett Pierson, author and social media guru. Garrett created the comprehensive, 20 module social media video guide known throughout the world as Building Social Equity. Thanks to him, I learned the value of writing articles and posting them on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and many, many others.

When I decided to put the two forms of succeeding online together, I became successful myself. Now I use the talents of Dave, meshed with the skill of Garrett to write articles and submit them through a complex linking system to social media and article directory sites throughout the world. 

Thanks to the help and support of these two successful online businessmen, I have been able to help thousands of online consumers learn about previously unknown quality products and services. In fact, now they are utilizing my services as much as I am utilizing theirs. 

That just goes to show you the power of the internet. I can show you how to create an effective social media marketing plan. First, get Garrett’s twenty social media videos and do what he tells you to do. Other social media professionals charge ten times what Garrett charges for half the product. I guarantee you will learn how the beginnings of how to create your own social media marketing plan. 

Next, display Dave’s Trust Guard seals on your website. If people don’t trust you, they won’t buy from you – period. His seals are more effective than McAfee Secure and you can get them at a fourth the cost. Lastly, order some articles from me. I will distribute all over the internet for you and increase your targeted traffic significantly or I will double your money back. You heard me – Double! 

That’s because the service I offer is a no-brainer. My quality articles, written by U.S. college students and edited by U.S. college graduates are filled with relative content specific to your needs. I place them on your website and throughout the internet. People looking for your product read my article and click on links to your website. You make more sales. Is there more for you to learn about How to Create an Effective Social Media Marketing Plan? Sure there is! There is social proof products like Shopper Approved and customer support software like Rhino Support to name a couple. But until you do these three things, my other recommendations won’t make a difference. 

Get busy and you will be successful!

Talk to you soon,