Huwebes, Mayo 10, 2012

Readers Become Writers

It might be a passion you’ve had your whole life or it could be a newly discovered talent, but finding out how to become a writer takes hard work and diligence.

One of the easiest ways to tell if you have what it takes to be a writer is if you have the constant need to express yourself. Writing is a talent that comes naturally to some but will take time to perfect for all. In today’s world, you can record your book using a digital recorder, then have a ‘ghost writer’ take your content, organize it, fix the grammar and make a book out of it always giving the author of the content 100% of the credit.

It takes immense amount of time to perfect the craft of vocabulary, expression and prose. To become a writer you must learn from other writers. Constantly read works from authors in your field of interest. Learn how they explain themselves, how they tell a story, and then rework what they do to fit with your own style.

William Faulkner said, “Read, read, read. Read everything – trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You’ll absorb it. Then write. If it’s good, you’ll find out. If it’s not, throw it out of the window.”

Always save time for reading about perfecting the craft of writing. Read books on grammar, books on how to publish a book, books on writers block. There are many experts who have come before you that have gladly put their knowledge out in the world for you to use. Take advantage of them and learn from the best.

To be a writer you must write. Don’t be afraid of making a mistake or worrying if others won’t like what you’re writing. Remember that this is your passion and that you are writing to fulfill your own dreams. Practice writing and find your flow – your style. Take a notebook with you where ever you go so you can always be writing. With practice comes perfection.

Becoming a writer doesn’t happen over night, it is something that has always been with you and a skill that just needs to be developed.

Martes, Mayo 8, 2012

Top Ten Tips on How to Write a Book

Writing a book can be a monumental task. But for someone with a dream and a passion, they will do whatever it takes to make it come true. Below are a top ten list of tips on how to successfully write a book:

1.   Just start. Put a pen to a page, fingers to a keyboard, or a voice to a recorder. Waiting around for the perfect moment or the perfect word to begin with may never happen. Start with what first comes to mind and then go back and edit and revise to create that perfect moment.

2.   Write everyday. Cory Doctorow, author of With a Little Help, says “Anything you do every day gets easier. If you’re insanely busy, make the amount that you write everyday small, but do it everyday.”

3.   Be organized. Whether you use post-it notes, flow charts, excel sheets or scraps of paper, have your thoughts organized. Make sure your organization fits your style so you can easily find what you are looking for.

4.   Create a workspace. Rid it of distractions and fill it with things that will help you stay on point. Having a designated space to write allows you to step away from the real world and into the reality of your book.

5.   Seek feedback. Open yourself up to criticism and constructive feedback. Only use confidants with whom you feel confident – people that you trust. Don’t be afraid of opening yourself up to an outside view of your book.

6.   Use resources to teach you how to write. Using professionals will help increase your knowledge and range of writing. By using self-help books, writing coaches and websites you can learn how to effectively write a book.

7.   Don’t give up. If you need, take a break (one hour, one week or one month). Whatever works best for you, just take a breather and then dive right back in. Giving up has never accomplished something great.

8.   Listen to your gut. Write what makes sense to you and what feels right. Remember you are writing for yourself and you are the one who must be happy with the end product.

9.   Rewrite. Once you think you’re done, you’re not. Look back over your work, rewrite what doesn’t work and then start the process over again.

10.            Publish your work! After all that hard work, don’t forget to get your book out there. Work hard at getting it published.

This huge task can be manageable as long as you remember to break it down into easy to follow steps. With the write tools, friends and family to support you, and enough drive, you can successfully write a book!

Lunes, Mayo 7, 2012

Just Start - A Guide for New Writers

So, you have always wanted to write your own book, but you haven’t started. Why? Many things could be standing in your way. I’m going to help show you how to remove every obstacle so you can start fulfilling your dream.

First, and foremost, pick your topic. I’m sure this isn’t the only time you’ve thought about writing, so dig up those old ideas and start putting them to paper. Once you have an idea the next best thing to do is to write. Find a convenient time and an undisturbed place to immediately start writing down anything and everything you can about your topic.

After you’ve nailed down your topic, organization comes next. Start organizing your little post-it notes, your notebooks full of thoughts, tape recordings and/or word documents. Organize them in a system that works best for you so you can easily find details you’re looking for as your book progresses. Make sure to carry a notebook around with you at all times so when those moments of inspiration come you can quickly jot them down.

Make sure you have a detailed outline of your book. Whether it is a novel, biography, cook book or even an instruction manual, outlines will help keep you on task and staying to the point. Keep your outline handy and use it to rearrange the order of chapters, if necessary, to find the best flow for your message.

Now that your ideas are starting to expand on the page, gather a competent support team. Do this early on so you can rely on them every step of the way. Bounce ideas off them, ask for help with dictation and grammar and have them conduct research for you. In those moments when you feel like giving in to the monumental but ever-rewarding task of becoming an author, your support team can be there to encourage you and remind you of your goals and abilities.

Always remember that you will be continually learning as you go and that it is OK to seek help from those you trust. Soon enough you will be finished writing your own book and ready to start a new one.