Linggo, Abril 28, 2013

An Honest Testimonial Creates More Testimonials

We were taught as children to listen to the experiences of those who have made bad choices so that we wouldn’t make the same mistakes they made. We also listened to those happy few who had made wise choices that most of us have tried to follow.
Testimonials are no different online than they are in person. When we go to buy something online, if customers provide their testimonial that they had a positive, enjoyable experience with the company, we are more apt to buy from them. We are also more apt to add our own testimonial to the testimonial of other satisfied consumers

Websites that do not display the testimonials of their customers are failing to see how testimonials move people into action. This has always been the case. In the Old Testament, prophets testified that Jesus would come to Earth, perform miracles, teach His ‘good news,’ and suffer excruciatingly in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cruel cross of Calvary. 

Many believed their numerous testimonies and were converted when Jesus came. Because of the testimonies of Peter, James and John and Matthew, Mark, Luke and Paul, many more were converted. And through latter day testimonials, millions have converted to Christianity. 

Whether or not you yourself are a believer, it’s easy to see how one testimonial, throughout history, has been converted into several testimonials. Websites that do not display testimonials from happy customers risk losing potential customers to websites that do. 

Shopper Approved is a rating and review company that provides satisfied customers with the means to give a 1-5 star rating of the site along with their honest testimonials to the company while offering website owners the ability to display those testimonials on their websites. Online business owners who want to increase their sales should listen to yet another testimonial of how effective testimonials are for improving conversion rates - both for Christianity and for online businesses.

Ratings and Reviews Speed Up the Decision-Making Process

When I visit an e-commerce website, I’m no different than most other online consumers. I want to make a buying decision and I want to make it fast. Ratings and reviews speed up my decision-making process. But, sometimes websites I visit have distractions on their front pages that actually can take potential buyers away from what they originally wanted. This can delay the buying process. 

A few examples of these interruptions include:

·        * Informative videos that immediately pop-up over the front page without allowing visitors the option to buy the product until after the video is over.
·         *Front pages that try to sell customers on the features without explaining the benefits of the product.
·         *Front pages that don’t provide a price right away.

But wise online business owners know that these types of distractions can confuse and even annoy a visitor who was ready to buy. They know that there are key tools they can display on the front page of their website that will increase the speed at which visitors make the buying decision.

Trust seals, like those provided by Trust Guard have proven to give visitors confidence in the validity of a company, whether it entails verifying their privacy policy, the legitimacy of the website as a real business, or the website’s security. Trust Guard verification and security seals quickly move people from visitors to customers. 

Wise online business owners also use high quality rating and review software to speed up their visitors’ decision-making process. When online consumers see that previous customers have responded favorably to questionnaires given to them by third-party rating and review software companies like Shopper Approved, they are more likely to buy the product. Tests also show that they are more likely to buy that product faster than if they had visited a similar site that sold that same product but did not provide ratings and reviews. 

Ratings and reviews help consumers know what kind of experiences past consumers have had. They help visitors see at a glance – just by looking at the average customer rating seal – how happy most customers have been with the product and service they received.

Martes, Abril 23, 2013

How Does Social Proof Help Business Owners Make Money?

Social proof is a growing phenomenon. It wasn’t too long ago that we judged the value and effectiveness of a product by what the salesman was wearing, how well he spoke and carried himself, along with his personal guarantee of the product.

Social media has picked up the pace considerably over the last few years because of the internet. Now we can reach anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds. Instead of seeing what the salesman is wearing, we look at the overall layout and aesthetic nature of the website. Instead of listening to how eloquent he might speak, we look at the readability and easy access to the website’s content. 

Instead of being satisfied with his personal guarantee, now we look to the masses to proof of validity, respectability, and over-all value. This process to vetting a company has come to be known as social proof. Companies that understand the intricacies of social proof will ultimately make more money on less online visitors than their competitors. 

Online consumers are looking for social proof. They want to know if other businesses and organizations respect the website they are visiting. For this they look to the Better Business Bureau or Trust Guard. They want to know if consumers who have bought the product are happy with their purchase. For this they look to five star rating systems, testimonials, and comments provided by trusted software companies like Shopper Approved. 

The truth is, if a website doesn’t provide the above mentioned forms of social proof, online consumers are likely to take their business elsewhere. Providing clear and legitimate forms of social proof from respected organizations and previous customers on websites has proven to increase conversion rates and sales considerably over those that do not.  

So if you are a business owner looking to increase your sales, you have two options. You can provide your online visitors with the social proof they need to make the buying decision. Or you can put on your multi-colored plaid suit coat, splash on a half bottle of Old English after-shave lotion, dust off your leather attaché case and drum up business the old fashioned way – door-to-door.