Martes, Enero 31, 2012

Brush, Brush, Brush To Maintain Healthy Teeth!

Even SpongeBob Squarepants and Patrick know about the importance of brushing their teeth. I remember one episode from when I was little and Patrick was singing “Brush, Brush, Brush... Brush, Brush, Brush, Brushing Everywhere!” As he sang, the pink starfish went from brushing his mouth to maintain healthy teeth to scrubbing his whole body. Looking back, it really was a rather dense episode. However, as a child I remember always wanting to brush my teeth just so I could sing that ridiculous song with it. And if you were wondering, I only scrubbed my teeth.

Television affects the way our children think and it can persuade them to do things we may or may not want them to do.  Often, TV commercials and shows like SpongeBob make every day chores seem fun for kids. When comes to their dental care and maintaining healthy teeth, we want to make sure that our children are brushing and flossing on a daily basis. 

We need to make brushing fun for our children so that they will have the desire to brush their teeth all of the time, like I did when I was a kid. If that means letting them watch an annoying, even obnoxious show to achieve our goal, then we just might have to take one for the team. 

Older siblings can influence their younger brothers and sisters into doing things that will help with their oral health. I have been know to bribe my teenagers (ironically with sweets) to show their younger siblings how much fun it is to brush and floss their teeth. Annoying as it is for the grown-ups and teenagers, every once in a while my children and I turn on Patrick’s ‘Brush, Brush, Brush…” music.

Many younger kids use their parents as barometers of fun. I recommend that if we are going to let our children see shows that teach kids how to maintain healthy teeth, we need to be there scrubbing and brushing, singing and laughing right along with Patrick. When our children see us having fun, chances are they’ll want to join in. These experiences will create positive, healthy brushing and flossing habits.

Are Your Standards High? Follow the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

Wiki describes the PCI DSS as “the standard created to increase controls around cardholder data to reduce credit card fraud via its exposure. Validation of compliance is done annually — by an external Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) for organizations handling large volumes of transactions, or by Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) for companies handling smaller volumes.” In more simple terms it means that the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a widely accepted set of policies and procedures intended to optimize the security of credit, debit and cash card transactions and protect cardholders against misuse of their personal information. It protects your personal information from falling into the hands of hackers.

The PCI DSS was created jointly in 2004 by four major credit-card companies: Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express, to help protect consumer’s security. There are 6 major objectives that PCI DSS determines to accomplish.

First, a secure network must be maintained in which transactions can be conducted. This requirement involves the use of firewalls and trust seals that are strong enough to be effective without causing undue inconvenience to cardholders or vendors. Specialized firewalls are available for wireless LANs, which are highly vulnerable to eavesdropping and attacks by malicious hackers.

Second, cardholder information must be protected wherever it is stored. Security trust seals and penetration testing are crucial to having your personal information remain secure.  Digital encryption is important in all forms of credit-card transactions, but particularly in e-commerce conducted on the Internet.

Third, systems should be protected against the activities of malicious hackers by using frequently updated anti-virus software, anti-spyware programs, and other anti-malware solutions like those offered by Trust Guard. All applications should be free of bugs and vulnerabilities that might open the door to exploits in which cardholder data could be stolen or altered.

Fourth, access to system information and operations should be restricted and controlled. Cardholders should not have to provide information to businesses unless those businesses must know that information to protect themselves and effectively carry out a transaction. Every person who uses a computer in the system must be assigned a unique and confidential identification name or number.

Fifth, networks must be constantly monitored and regularly tested to ensure that all security measures and processes are in place, are functioning properly, and are kept up-do-date. Network security is essential to be successful and hacker free

Sixth, a formal information security policy must be defined, maintained, and followed at all times and by all participating entities. Enforcement measures such as audits and penalties for non-compliance may be necessary.

PCI DSS was created to keep our online information safe and secure, away from hackers and viruses.

watchamakalit: Penetration Testing - Stay Protected and Make More...

watchamakalit: Penetration Testing - Stay Protected and Make More...: Online security is everything and if you are a successful business person, you know just how crucial it is to stay protected online. Your...

Penetration Testing - Stay Protected and Make More Money

Online security is everything and if you are a successful business person, you know just how crucial it is to stay protected online.

Your own personal website must stay secure at all times if you want to increase your profits and make more money online. People trust secure companies. If your company has trusted security scans, website verification, and PCI security logos, then people will trust that your company cares about their online security, and they will make more purchases with you. It might seem far-fetched that just by showing your customers that you care about their online security they will have more trust in your company and buy more products more often from you, but it’s true. One way to keep websites safe and to give peace of mind to online consumers is by “penetration testing” your website.

Penetration Testing is a method of evaluating the security of a computer system or network by simulating an attack from malicious outsiders (who do not have an authorized means of accessing the organization's systems) and spiteful insiders (who have some level of authorized access). “The process involves an active analysis of the system for any potential vulnerabilities that could result from poor or improper system configuration, both known and unknown hardware or software flaws, and operational weaknesses in process or technical countermeasures. This analysis is carried out from the position of a potential attacker and can involve active exploitation of security vulnerabilities.”

Security issues uncovered through the penetration test are presented to the system's owner. Effective penetration tests will couple this information with an accurate assessment of the potential impacts to the organization and outline a range of technical and procedural countermeasures to reduce risks. Penetration testing is what makes sure that you and your consumers and safe and protected online. As you try to avoid computer hackers who are looking to steal your personal information, it is important that you are staying protected by using security scans and trust seals like the secure ones that industry leaders Trust Guard and McAfee offer. 

As a consumer, we look online for purchases and companies that offer great things that we need and want. If we are educated and care about our online safety, we also look for is the foundational security of the websites we patronize. If we can see a secure trust seal at the top of the page on a website, we instantly know that our information is being protected. We feel safe and trust the company, I know that I do. 

When I see a company that uses trust seals, security scanning, and penetration testing, I feel out of harm's way and because I feel like the company is trustworthy and dependable, I usually buy from them. As business owners build trust, security, and rapport with their customers, they will know that by simply staying protected online, in part by performing penetration testing, they will be able to stay secure and make more money. 

Money isn’t everything, but knowing that your company can make more money by using security scans, is a great thing to think about.

Huwebes, Enero 26, 2012

Trust Badges Earn Respect

A police officer wears a trust badge to display authority, power and control. They handle corrupt situations with drugs, alcohol, rape, murder and anything in between. These policemen help make our communities safe. With their badges come a level of respect for their service and daily acts of sacrifice.

Religious missionaries wear badges that double as name tags that show to the communities they serve who they are and what they believe. Their badges build respect and trust with those they meet.

When you are sick, you depend on doctors and nurses who wear trust badges to relieve you from your pain and suffering. They have to go to school for almost ten years to earn the title shown on their badge. The badge shows those they serve that they are experienced and capable of doing what they need to do to make your situation less painful. We trust doctors and nurses in large part because of the badges they wear.

In our society we all earn specific badges and proudly display them to show the world the great accomplishments we have achieved. All businesses have badges and these badges prove the honor, dependability, and authentication of the people presenting these badges.

Online businesses that have passed business verification standards display trust badges on their websites.  Much like physical badges on doctors and policemen, digital badges show people that the online company they are visiting is a respectable entity that can be trusted. Trust badges show that the company is a legitimate business with a verified phone, email, physical address and fax number.

Just as you would hesitate to get help from an off-duty policeman that was not wearing his badge, you should also hesitate to patronize online companies that do not display a trust badge. Often you can review a certificate, much like a doctor’s diploma, by clicking on any website’s digital trust badge. The trust badge will show when the site was verified as well as information as to who owns the business and where it is headquartered.
Companies like Trust Guard can give you more information about the verification process required for website owners to qualify to display a trust badge.