Martes, Enero 3, 2012

Dentist Ratings—Find the Best Dental Office

I have the worst teeth in the world, well second worst because my dad’s are terrible! And teeth are genetic, so of course my father had to pass his down to me. I brush and floss every day, morning, noon, and night, and still my teeth rot and require root canals, crowns, and fillings galore. No matter how hard I try to keep my pearly whites pearly and white, genetics simply get the best of me and show that I have horrible teeth. I dread going to the dentist but I know is a necessary evil. 

However, I don’t want to simply go to any dentist. With my teeth, I need an expert dentist. I need the best dentist; someone who is going to take extra good care of my teeth and make me feel like I can smile big and not be ashamed of all my cavities. 

Finding a great dentist is hard to do though. First I asked my friends and family about how they rated their dentists that they used. Most of their dentist’s ratings were positive. But when I went to meet them to see if they were the right dentists for me, I didn’t feel safe with any of them.  

Most dentists are generic dentists that have thousands of patients, and don’t know anyone by name, and don’t know your teeth personally until you walk in that day. For quick patch ups, dentistry like that is just fine, however, when you need a lot of work done on your mouth, a personal dentist is necessary to receive the best dental care.

After tiring from spending so much gas and time trying to find a good dentist, I went online. I found quite a few online dental directories including Top Dentists Online. I was able to find the best personal dentists, see how they had rated their dentist and view customer testimonials. It was so great to see real customer’s reviews and be able to rate a dentist after I had used him to help others find the best dentist in my area too. It was convenient to find the right person without having to leave my home. 

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