Martes, Marso 20, 2012

How to Stay Motivated and Achieve the Healthy Body You Want

Staying motivated when trying to accomplish the healthy, slimmer body you want may be challenging. Discouragement tends to come along when you least expect it to drag you down. Not having enough time becomes an excuse. Lack of stamina or pain, perhaps, affect the length and strength of your workouts. Many reasons can rob us from the energy and motivation we once enjoyed.

Self-Motivation is hard to maintain on a consistent basis. Nonetheless, here are four proven techniques that will help your confidence and motivation persevere so that you can achieve the healthier body and active lifestyle you want.

1.                   Have a Strong Plan. If you know exactly what you are planning to do and how you are going to accomplish it, then staying motivated will be much easier. Include the goals and strategies you need to accomplish your plans. Keep a tracking journal to monitor where you are at and where you want to be.

2.                   Determine your ‘WHY’ Factor. If you know why you are trying to obtain a healthier, slimmer body, then you will be able to recognize your internal driving force. Figure out why being healthier is important to you. Understand the gap between where you are and where you want to be and let that motivate you.

3.                   Start Small. Begin with little changes that fit you. Start out little and make your eating habits healthier. Increase the percentage of vegetables you consume, add healthy protein and whole grains. It could be as simple as not eating desert, eating smaller portions, and/or exchanging soda for water. Focus on making changes that fit into your lifestyle and are fairly easy to maintain throughout your daily routine.  Remember that the more changes that you make at once, the harder it will be to adjust and maintain, so keep it simple and keep progressing toward your nutritional intake and your exercise plan.

4.                   Be Positive. Keep negative thoughts out of your mind. Your thoughts control your actions, so keep your mind clear, focused and positive. The inability to quickly remove negative thoughts from our minds is one of the biggest reasons why some people fail at accomplishing their goals. Stay positive and control your thoughts. Andrew Matthew quoted that, “What you focus on expands… So think about what you want.”

Another wise man once said,
“The measure of a man’s success is gauged by his self-mastery; the depth of his failure, by his self-abandonment. He who cannot establish a dominion over himself will have no dominion over others. He who masters himself, shall be King.”

Of course, he was talking for women as well, and of their innate abilities to become ‘Queens’ in their circle of influence. Think for a moment about the people you most respect. They have learned, step-by-step, through trial and error to master their own thoughts, desires, and actions before they began to assist others. You can do the same thing!

Now that you know the four techniques to keep your mind and body motivated and to help give you the mindset, lifestyle and body you want and deserve, it’s time to put them into practice. Plan well, know your ‘why’, start small and be positive. If you follow this simple system, your health and wellness will improve and you will become the best ‘you’ possible!

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