Miyerkules, Mayo 29, 2013

The First Three Book Writing Techniques

Obviously, to learn everything you need to learn about writing a book you need to study hands on with professionals like Garrett Pierson who provides would be published authors with an extensive “How to Write a Book ASAP” training course.

To get you started, however, here are the first three steps to publishing your first book:

1.       Set a schedule. The key is to find a time and a place that you can work on your book undisturbed. You want to find a time when you are awake and alert. Whatever activity you are replacing your writing with, whether it was reading or watching TV or oversleeping, commit to doing without that activity in your life until the book is finished, published and marketed.

You want to find a place where you are comfortable and alone (unless working with a partner or someone who will type while you dictate to them). There are many people who will type what you speak into a recording device for very reasonable fees. They don’t need to be present when you are working. Some people work better if they have someone keeping them on task. Some people only get distracted. Make the right choice for you.

2.       Keep to your schedule. There will be emergencies, or situations that seem like emergencies that will try to entice you away from your goal of writing a book. Be strong. Be determined. Think about the finished product. Think how proud you’ll be as a published author.

To help, create a cover page design and a back cover design for your book and look at them often. When situations come up, do everything you can to stick with the schedule you have set. Many non-published authors have found that once they have veered from their schedule – even once – it was extremely difficult to start over again.

3.       Create an outline. Some people might tell you that the next step is to begin researching. But how will you know exactly what to research if you haven’t figured out more-or-less what will be contained within the pages of your book?

Use an outline by chronology, character, plot or place. Any of these can help give your book the initial form it needs to become a living, breathing entity. After you have an outline, you can always revise it later – and most do. But knowing this, you can begin the process of researching without wasting too much time researching topics you might never use.

Those are the first three steps to writing a book. You’ll notice that not a lot of writing has taken place yet. But I promise you that you will become a published author quicker if you follow these steps instead of just starting one day with Chapter One. Most who have taken the “start with Chapter One” unrecommended route have never gotten around to Chapter Two.

Huwebes, Mayo 23, 2013

Why Spending the Time to Write Your Own Book Might Be a Good Idea

There are many things that civilized people want to accomplish while on this beautiful place we call Earth.  Some want to cure a disease. Others want to break a record. Many want to raise honorable children who will continue to provide strength and stability to their communities in years to come.  Still others want to become authors. Here are a few reasons why spending time to write a book might be a good idea.


1.       Leave your mark on society. Authors receive the gift of immortality. Although our mortal frames give up after a hundred years or so of wear and tear, the names, experiences and written works of authors continues on. Authorship can be a selfish endeavor.


2.       Share. It’s one thing to know a delicious recipe or understand how to communicate effectively; it’s another thing to distribute that information to the masses. Authorship can be a selfless endeavor.


3.       Shock. Whether it is a gruesome non-fiction, or a frightening fictional tale, some books have the ability to surprise and astonish readers – even though they know that doing so was your intention from the beginning. Authorship can be an eye-opening endeavor.

4.       Entertain. Maybe you don’t know anything of vital importance to the rest of the world. Maybe the only thing of value is your sense of humor, or your ability to tell a story that really captures the attention of your readers. Making people happy is a circular activity and is impossible to achieve without before, during, and after making the maker of happiness happy as well. Authorship can be an enjoyable endeavor.


There are other valuable and worthwhile activities we can accomplish in the relatively short period we’re alive, but becoming an author, whether our intent is selfish or selfless, eye-opening or enjoyable, is something we can and should all achieve.


Five Aspects of Customer Satisfaction

There are five key elements of customer satisfaction. However unfair it may seem, missing only one of these elements can turn an otherwise pleasant experience into one of pain for both the customer and the business owner.

Quality Products

Everyone usually starts here when discussing the principle area that businesses must get right if they are going to have any chance at satisfying a customer. A quality product can make up for some mistakes in other areas of your business every once in a while – but if word gets out that you are consistently failing in other areas, consumers will seek for a similar – even inferior product – elsewhere.

Exceptional Service

Getting the product to customers when you say you will is just one thing you can do to keep your clients happy. The key to service in the online world is to have a support system like that provided by Rhino Support.com that gives business owners the ability to replay to issues and concerns quickly and efficiently. Regarding your availability by phone, having a ‘live chats’ button on the front page of your website only works when you have people available to chat.

Personable Interactions

When company representatives do talk to a client, either in person, on the phone, or by email, ensure that your conversations include some of the basics for personable interactions including calling them by name, listening and then repeating the question before answering, and providing quick, easy-to-understand instructions. When business owners treat each customer like he or she is their only customer, each customer will have an enjoyable experience.

Keeping Commitments

If you say you’ll include a free set of headphones with each MP3 player you sell, do it. If you say there is no charge for a certain product, don’t add on shipping and handling expenses. The key to running a successful business is to earn the respect of the general public. This can be done only by keeping the promises you make – no matter the cost.

Clear Instructions/Detailed Customer Expectations

The better consumers understand the product or service businesses provide, the less surprised they will be when they receive it. Show videos and pictures. Include instructions that include pictures. Have a customer service team that is knowledgeable about your product and service so they can better help your customers.

Follow these five aspects of customer satisfaction and you and your company will have years of successful mutually beneficial relationships. Products like Shopper Approved’s rating and review software can determine just how well you perform.

Martes, Mayo 21, 2013

What is Social Proof & How Do You Get It?

According to Wikipedia, “Social proof, also known as informational social influence, is a psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others reflect correct behavior for a given situation.” For example, if you are unsure of which fork to choose at a fancy restaurant, the ‘social proof’ thing to do is to simply need to wait, observe, and then choose the one that everyone else chose. (Always work from the outside of your place setting inward.)

Obtaining social proof works in situations where what would normally be appropriate behavior seems incongruent with the surroundings and atmosphere, like making the choice to eat pizza with a fork and knife instead of with your hands when you see that is what everyone else is doing. The behavior is based on the assumption that those who have had experience in a specific circumstance possess more knowledge about the situation.

In the online world of e-commerce, social proof is provided by three things: Ratings, Reviews, and Testimonials.

Ratings are usually displayed by 5 stars or checkmarks. A customer who has had a ‘Five Star’ experience has been extremely satisfied with the product or service they received. When visitors come to a website and see that others have had positive experiences, they are more likely to purchase that product or service.  Ratings are better than reviews in that they give a quick snapshot of the overall experience.

Reviews are short statements that explain what a customer experienced from doing business with an online company. As first time visitors to a website, consumers can read these reviews to find out what people thought about the business. Reviews are better than ratings in that they explain why they were happy, not just that they were happy.

Testimonials are even better than ratings and reviews in that they are written for the sole purpose of motivating a potential customer into making the buying decision.

Wikipedia calls social proof a form of “herd behavior.” Business owners wanting to increase their sales need to take advantage of this phenomenon by acquiring rating and review software, like that provided by Shopper Approved and by providing exceptional products and services.

Huwebes, Mayo 16, 2013

Moving Shoppers from the Consideration Stage to the Buying Stage

There are three phases that online consumers go through on the path to becoming customers. The key for e-commerce business owners is to know what these stages are – and how to move consumers from one stage to the next.

Browsing Stage

Before there was internet, people walked or drove to their closest retailer to browse much more than they do today. That’s because today there is no need to get dressed – no need to leave your nice, air conditioned home. We can do most of our shopping online. Browsing is the first stage in the buying process. Getting people to move forward requires a clean, easy-to-maneuver website. Business owners know by now that they must provide trust seals, like those offered by Trust Guard so that visitors to their site feel comfortable knowing that they are on a respected, verified website.

Consideration Stage

Next is the stage where visitors start to consider whether or not they will make the decision to purchase the product or not. During this stage, wise business owners display graphs and charts that show why their product should be chosen over their competitors. Along with these aids, successful online business men and women display ratings and reviews from customers who have had good experiences with their product or service. Shopper Approved is the online leader in providing ample, effective ratings and reviews – and it’s the easiest for business owners to set up too.

Buying Stage

This is where visitors either become customers or move on to a competitor. This process has to be simple. There can be no hidden expenses. If an add-on or up-sell is added, it is only one. The check-out process is simple and finished in no more than three clicks. Displaying a business verification and security scanned seal ensure the potential customer that the transaction is safe and that if there are any issues with the sale, the company will quickly resolve them.

Moving customers from browsers to buyers isn’t an easy task. But sales can increase and trust can be achieved by following these proven recommendations.