Huwebes, Mayo 16, 2013

Moving Shoppers from the Consideration Stage to the Buying Stage

There are three phases that online consumers go through on the path to becoming customers. The key for e-commerce business owners is to know what these stages are – and how to move consumers from one stage to the next.

Browsing Stage

Before there was internet, people walked or drove to their closest retailer to browse much more than they do today. That’s because today there is no need to get dressed – no need to leave your nice, air conditioned home. We can do most of our shopping online. Browsing is the first stage in the buying process. Getting people to move forward requires a clean, easy-to-maneuver website. Business owners know by now that they must provide trust seals, like those offered by Trust Guard so that visitors to their site feel comfortable knowing that they are on a respected, verified website.

Consideration Stage

Next is the stage where visitors start to consider whether or not they will make the decision to purchase the product or not. During this stage, wise business owners display graphs and charts that show why their product should be chosen over their competitors. Along with these aids, successful online business men and women display ratings and reviews from customers who have had good experiences with their product or service. Shopper Approved is the online leader in providing ample, effective ratings and reviews – and it’s the easiest for business owners to set up too.

Buying Stage

This is where visitors either become customers or move on to a competitor. This process has to be simple. There can be no hidden expenses. If an add-on or up-sell is added, it is only one. The check-out process is simple and finished in no more than three clicks. Displaying a business verification and security scanned seal ensure the potential customer that the transaction is safe and that if there are any issues with the sale, the company will quickly resolve them.

Moving customers from browsers to buyers isn’t an easy task. But sales can increase and trust can be achieved by following these proven recommendations.

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