Miyerkules, Pebrero 1, 2012

The Itsy Bitsy Spider Fighter

The Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the water spout,
Up through the window and scared the children out.
In came Mr. Nospiders, my pest controlling friend
And the itsy bitsy spider was never seen again.

Most homes have a resident spider population that helps reduce other pests from entering and taking over their home. During the winter time, spiders especially love to find a cozy ceiling corner and make themselves right at home.  The spiders living in your home will generally try to stay in hidden places such as attics and basements, and under or behind the furniture. Sometimes, though, you'll find these spiders venture out in public areas. 

If you have found spiders inside your home, and happen to have an insurmountable fear of them, there is an easy, cost-effective way to control spiders

Spider Control
Spider problems are usually taken care of with simple spider management. To diminish your exposure to spiders in your home, you'll want to reduce the hospitality of your home environment. A good spring cleaning focusing on secluded areas should unearth and scare away a good number of the more visible spiders from your living area. 

Naturally, you'll want to knock down any cobwebs you find immediately to discourage the spiders from building a new one in your home.  Screens and weather-stripping on your windows and doors will reduce the influx of outdoor spider populations into your home as well, along with many other pests. 

Spider Bites
Spiders will usually only bite you if they are disturbed. If you believe your home is shelter to poisonous spiders or if you're allergic, you should wear clothes and other protective clothing when working in normally unperturbed areas of your home. If you are bitten, attempt to
control the spider and capture it or at least visualize it so that it can be identified by an expert. 

Knowing what the spider looks like shouldn't be terribly difficult and it will help the doctors know how to properly care for your specific spider bite. In any case, if you are bit by a spider and feel it getting worse, seek immediate medical attention. 

Spider Extermination
If the spider situation gets worse – if spiders are taking over the corners of your rooms, especially rooms that you use frequently, and you can’t seem to control them, you should call a pest control professional to come in and exterminate your potentially dangerous and definitely discardable spiders.
Spider control can make your life at home more pleasant and more peaceful.

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